ECOVE Story – Mask Manufacturer
Sr.No :1
Anita Vijay Salve
I was very depressed because I lost my only son in an accident. My husband always threatened to re-marry because he wanted a Son. He began to drink heavily and not work. After joining ECOVE, I was able share my emotions and slowly began to accept and come to terms with my situation. I have started my own business of making face masks cloth. Mr. Vijay Kiran workshop had a very ‘Powerful’ life changing and positive influence on my life. Mrs. Dsilva Ma’am proved to be an inspiration for me and I realized my potential to succeed. I gained self-confidence along with communication ability which now helps me in my business. I am now a licensed contractor for making masks. I have employed a few women. My main contract is with Johnson & Johnson and Ajit Seeds. I make of profit of Rs. 35000/- to 40000/- per month.